One to Better Tools

Today’s One Thing: Simplifying the Tool Chaos. In my quest for continuous improvement, I’m unveiling the ‘One to Better Tools’ page. This curated list is my solution to keeping track of every essential tool I explore, making it a little bit easier to reference and share with others.

One to Better Tools
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Oct 8, 2023

Introducing One to Better Tools

Today’s One Thing: Simplifying the Tool Chaos. In my quest for continuous improvement, I’m unveiling the ‘One to Better Tools’ page. This curated list is my solution to keeping track of every essential tool I explore, making it a little bit easier to reference and share with others.
I’m a productivity and technology nerd who loves trying new products, always searching for that perfect time-saving tool—the one you can’t live without. Honestly, it's been hard to keep up with them all. So, I’ve decided to introduce a new addition to my blog: the One to Better Tools page! This growing list will help me remember the tools I've explored and share these discoveries with you. I plan to link each tool on the list to a blog post where I share my experience using it, or at the very least, my thoughts based on what I know about it and my experience with similar products. Hopefully, It’s a win-win for both of us, making our journey to finding the right tools a bit easier. So, feel free to explore this new section; I hope you find it helpful.
Click on the menu or below to view the new page. The list is an embed, so give it a few seconds to load.
As always, my goal with One to Better is to grow, learn, and improve a little each day. I want to become one percent better with every tool explored and shared and help you do the same.
Today’s graphic was generated using the new DALL-E 3 plugin inside ChatGPT Plus. I asked for an AI-themed concept showing a frustrated person sitting at a computer, trying to decide which tool is best. ChatGPT generated the prompt below and created the illustration using the new built-in DALL-E 3, currently only available to ChatGPT Plus subscribers.
Today’s Image Prompt: Wide illustration set on a gradient white background. A person, rubbing their temples, sits at a computer desk. The screen showcases a digital ocean of software tool icons, each emanating AI-themed ripples. Above the person is a cloud of confusion, represented by intertwined question marks.
Having DALL-E 3 inside ChatGPT is an incredible timesaver. Before, I had to switch between ChatGPT and MidJourney to create something similar. The results wouldn’t have included the question mark either, which is part of what makes this illustration fit the article.
I have a post coming up about my experiences with the new ChatGPT with Vision and DALL-E 3, so stay tuned for more soon.
Thanks for stopping by.
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Thomas Alan

Written by

Thomas Alan

Coffee & Curiosity | Creative Technologist | Photographer | Mixing decades of business insight and tacit knowledge with philosophy and the latest in tech. Ever an early adopter, forever a student.