Fleeting Thoughts And The Intoxication of Art Creation

As I was writing in my journal this morning, I began to think about how I miss shooting street photography, something I regularly did before the pandemic. Like many things that enter my mind these days, I started working on a poem and art based on how I love watching people and how they interact in their bubbles of space. There is so much beauty and mystery in their movements and expressions. I pull from my mental toolbox and Theory of Mind to ascertain their thoughts and feelings.

Fleeting Thoughts And The Intoxication of Art Creation
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Mar 5, 2023
As I was writing in my journal this morning, I began to think about how I miss shooting street photography, something I regularly did before the pandemic.
Like many things that enter my mind these days, I started working on a poem and art based on how I love watching people and how they interact in their bubbles of space. There is so much beauty and mystery in their movements and expressions. I pull from my mental toolbox and Theory of Mind to ascertain their thoughts and feelings.
AI-generated art of people in motion in a crowd. MJ prompt: watching, enchanted by the crowd, energized by their motion. expressionism --ar 3:2 --v 4
AI-generated art of people in motion in a crowd. MJ prompt: watching, enchanted by the crowd, energized by their motion. expressionism --ar 3:2 --v 4
Theory of Mind is a term I recently learned, and it felt applicable to the sentence above, a way for me to reinforce the knowledge by using it in my writing.
The art I generated in MidJourney was somewhat unexpected. I had envisioned something less abstract, but the movement of people in the art mirrored people's fluidity and unpredictability. I really like the algorithm's interpretation of the prompt. The blur of the crowd adds to the mystery of their movement.
AI-generated art of people in motion in a crowd. MJ prompt: watching, enchanted by the crowd, energized by their motion. expressionism --ar 3:2 --v 4
AI-generated art of people in motion in a crowd. MJ prompt: watching, enchanted by the crowd, energized by their motion. expressionism --ar 3:2 --v 4
What began as a fleeting thought turned into a poem and the wonderful intoxication of art creation.
MJ prompt: watching, enchanted by the crowd, energized by their motion. expressionism --ar 3:2 --v 4
Creating art has always been intoxicating to me, but now, with AI tools, it feels even more like a drug, calling me to use it and allow myself to fall into the shallows for hours on end.
AI-generated art of people in motion in a crowd. MJ prompt: watching, enchanted by the crowd, energized by their motion. expressionism --ar 3:2 --v 4
AI-generated art of people in motion in a crowd. MJ prompt: watching, enchanted by the crowd, energized by their motion. expressionism --ar 3:2 --v 4
My favorite, however, was the fourth one ☝️ —something about the colors and movement I love.
I hope you enjoy these too.
Thanks for stopping by today. ✌️
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Thomas Alan

Written by

Thomas Alan

Coffee & Curiosity | Creative Technologist | Photographer | Mixing decades of business insight and tacit knowledge with philosophy and the latest in tech. Ever an early adopter, forever a student.